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ICCES announces to present the Satya N Atluri Award, Wei-zhang Chien Award, Eric Reissner Award and the Kobayashi Award in the conference ceremony
Proceedings will be published by Springer and will be indexed in Scopus and Compendex
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The ICCES Eric Reissner Award
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The ICCES Eric Reissner Award is given to a researcher, from anywhere in the world, in recognition of her/his contributions to any area germane to the ICCES conferences, and in recognition of her/his services to ICCES. This award honors Professor Eric Reissner, who for nearly 60 years at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and at University of California San Diego, played a significant role in educating several generations of students in the areas of theoretical, applied, and computational mechanics.
The recipient of the 2019 ICCES Eric Reissner Award is
Professor Wanlin Guo of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA).
for his “sustained contributions to the integrity and durability of aerospace structures, and to nano-mechanics“

Wanlin GUO is a chair professor in Mechanics at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA). He is also the founder and director of the Key Laboratory of Intelligent Nano Materials and Devices of Ministry of Education and the Institute of Nanoscience at NUAA. He received his bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering (1985), and his Master and PhD degrees (1991) in solids mechanics from Northwestern Ploytechnical University. He received the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China in 1996 and the honor of Cheung Kong Scholar in 1999. In 2012, he was awarded the National Nature Science Prize of China. In 2017, he was elected as a member of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Wanlin Guo is a leader in the field of mechanical theories and technologies relevant to structural safety and intellectualization of aerospace structures. He has devoted over 30 years to establishing the three-dimensional theories for crack-tip fields in elastic-plastic and creeping solids, which was named by his peers, as Guo’sfactor,Guo’sapproach and Guo’s elastic-plastic theory. He developed an accurate and high-efficient approach for predicting fatigue fracture resistance of three-dimensional aerospace structures based on standard test data of materials, leading to a widely-used three-dimensional fatigue fracture theory for aerospace structures. Over the past 20 years, he also proposed and continuously developed the coupling concepts between local field and external field in low-dimensional systems, which formed the basis of nanoscale physical mechanics for mechanical-electro-magnetic-thermal coupling in low-dimensional materials. His most recent work has advanced to the discovery of a series of emerging hydrovoltaic effects for harvesting water energy with nanostructured materials.
He has published over 400 peer-reviewed papers in mechanics-related journals such as Nature Nanotech, Nature Comm., Phys. Rev. Lett., J. Mech. Phys. Solids, Int. J. Strct. Solids, Int. J. Fracture, Int. J. Fatigue, Int. J. Plasticity, Engng Fracture Mech. His current research interests focus on: 1) strength and safety of aircraft and engine; 2) intelligent nano materials and devices, multiscale physical mechanics, novel conception and technology for efficient energy conversion; 3) molecular physical mechanics for neuronal signaling and molecular biomimics.
The recent recipients of
The ICCES Eric Reissner Award include:
Professor Lallit Anand, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA

Professor Zhigang Suo, Harvard University, USA

Professor Romesh C. Batra, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA

Dr. Vinod Tewary, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA

Professor Wei Yang, China National Science Foundation, China

Professor Jan Sladek, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovak